Aspirin contains beta hydroxy acid, the main component of designer creams.
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Alternate using a retinoid with an alpha-hydroxy acid every other night to improve texture.
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The action from this alpha hydroxy acid will be particularly beneficial for those with acne-prone skin.
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Next, an alpha hydroxy acid is applied to the skin, creating a mild tingling sensation and freeing the pores of impacted debris.
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Choose products that are designed to brighten the skin as well as encourage cell turnover, such as retinol and alpha-hydroxy acid.
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Finzi has seen over-the-counter creams make a great difference in his patients'skin, particularly creams that contain retinoids or alpha hydroxy acid.
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The key ingredient, alpha hydroxy acid, is found in many antiaging products and helps exfoliate the top layers of skin to reveal fresher skin underneath.
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There are a number of creams and oils containing various ingredients such as alpha hydroxy acid, cocoa butter, vitamin E and plant extracts that may help get rid of stretch marks.
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At night, help the fade with alpha hydroxy, beta hydroxy, or kojic acid.