English language

How to pronounce horsey set in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms horsy set
Type of band, circle, lot, set

Examples of horsey set

horsey set
Jonze doesn't know how close he came to making a horsey movie for the horsey set.
From the usatoday.com
The horsey set drawn to WEG doesn't seem to fit that bill.
From the kentucky.com
The geek-chic favourite has been knocked off its pedestal by something much more at home with the horsey set.
From the independent.co.uk
The horsey set, when not on their farms or in private clubs, can be spotted in the bars at two of the city's most beloved restaurants.
From the kentucky.com
If Cuomo acts on the notion of excluding the horsey set, more than half of the current board, including Duncker, would be out.
From the timesunion.com
It's beating a dead horsey set.
From the entertainment.time.com
In the next few hours, and days, tributes to Jackson no doubt will pour in from all over the world from both the wine set and the horsey set.
From the theatlantic.com
Its location is not in the heart of America's horse-breeding country, nor is it a regular destination for the nation's wealthy horsey set.
From the washingtonpost.com
The notion of a privileged elite immune from social convention is there in the striplings'endless put-downs of their father's horsey set.
From the guardian.co.uk