English language

How to pronounce horse trade in English?

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Synonyms horse trading
Type of barter, swap, swop, trade

Examples of horse trade

horse trade
China And The WTO April 2, 2002 The year of the horse, not a free-trade cashcow.
From the forbes.com
They will undoubtly try to horse-trade around it in an attempt to make Obama look bad.
From the economist.com
It shows that the Commission is, in practice, often prepared to play ball and horse trade.
From the techcrunch.com
The politicians haggle and horse-trade, but a budget eventually gets passed and life moves on.
From the time.com
Steve had the ability to horse-trade and maneuver, but he never overstepped the line of integrity.
From the time.com
They could horse trade, but they had to make the numbers.
From the denverpost.com
Already, every important issue evolves into a horse-trade.
From the nzherald.co.nz
Every time Obama called him to seek his vote on a key initiative, Begich nudged him to horse-trade for drilling.
From the charlotteobserver.com
There's been more Texas traffic in the horse trade.
From the orlandosentinel.com