English language

How to pronounce hocus-pocus in English?

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Synonyms hanky panky, jiggery-pokery, skulduggery, skullduggery, slickness, trickery
Type of deceit, deception, misrepresentation

Examples of hocus-pocus

Some scenes appear to be real documentary footage cut in with the hocus-pocus.
From the dailyherald.com
Using hocus-pocus, the McCourts have attempted to deceive Dodgers fans once again.
From the latimes.com
If that sounds like a recipe for metaphysical hocus-pocus, don't be put off.
From the economist.com
A reverse stock split is really just Wall Street hocus pocus that has no real effect.
From the usatoday.com
What do you think, is meditation a useful tool, or a bunch of hocus pocus?
From the smh.com.au
Ordinarily, deficits are resolved mostly through budgetary hocus-pocus.
From the time.com
Gregory at work, his theatrical direction suggests hocus-pocus conjuring.
From the movies.nytimes.com
You know, the Fed's not some kind of hocus pocus, black box operation.
From the infowars.com
The hocus-pocus elements turn into hokum, and worse, into talkiness, weighing down the film.
From the sacbee.com