The part of the axon where it emerges from the soma is called the axon hillock.
From the
A hillock rises at the far end of the mall, and on top sits a T.G.I. Friday's.
From the
They don't look out of place on the pavement, or halfway up a grassy hillock.
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The famous castellated turret makes itself known over the brow of a hillock.
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The British East India Company troops occupied the north end of the hillock.
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The peg pinching the grass into a little hillock filled me with pleasure.
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There is also a small hillock at the heart of present day Sambalpur by the name Budharaja.
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This book, though at times tedious, heaps a hillock of fresh laurels on Balzac's grave.
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Jin Li steps out of the car and hurries over a hillock of sand, carrying a piece of tissue.
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More examples
Knoll: a small natural hill
A hillock or knoll is a small hill, "hillock" entry, retrieved December 18, 2007, usually separated from a larger group of hills such as a range. Hillocks are similar in their distribution and size to small mesas or buttes. The term is largely a British one. ...
Bumps that form in a thin film during heating and cooling.