English language

How to pronounce haul in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms cart, drag, hale
Type of pull, draw
Has types bouse, bowse, underrun
Derivation haulage, hauler, hauling

haul stones.
haul nets.
Type Words
Synonyms catch
Type of indefinite quantity
Type Words
Synonyms draw, haulage
Type of pulling, pull
Has types tow, towage

the haul up the hill went very slowly.
Type Words
Type of transport, carry
Has types piggyback
Derivation haulage, hauler, hauling

haul stones from the quarry in a truck.
haul vegetables to the market.

Examples of haul

FedEx says the total vehicle count, including its long-haul business, is 94,800.
From the businessweek.com
Burn it or haul it offsite in preparation for replanting the area in the future?
From the sciencedaily.com
The Red Cross delivered a haul of blankets and pillows to the centre last night.
From the telegraph.co.uk
A sample of the daily rat haul is combed for fleas, which are tested for plague.
From the latimes.com
The footage was part of a large haul of intelligence discovered at the compound.
From the telegraph.co.uk
Like most football fans we are there for the long haul not just the glory years.
From the independent.co.uk
Can't imagine him being in it for the long haul with that washed up dirty mouth.
From the blogs.wsj.com
There are other shortcuts you can take to look preened without the product haul.
From the expressandstar.com
He should of been able to cuff the old man and haul him off to jail to sober up.
From the orlandosentinel.com
More examples
  • Draw: the act of drawing or hauling something; "the haul up the hill went very slowly"
  • Draw slowly or heavily; "haul stones"; "haul nets"
  • Catch: the quantity that was caught; "the catch was only 10 fish"
  • Transport in a vehicle; "haul stones from the quarry in a truck"; "haul vegetables to the market"
  • (hauling) the activity of transporting goods by truck
  • (Hauling) Haulage may refer to: * The business of being a haulier (UK English) or hauler (US English), also called haulage contractor, common carrier, contract carrier, or private carrier, in other words of transporting goods by road or rail for other companies or one's own company. ...
  • (Hauls) A haul video is a video recording, posted to the Internet, "Kids and the mall haul: it's more than geeks baring gifts", Mitch Joel, The Gazette, Montrealgazette.com, 13 May 2010, web: .
  • A long drive, especially transporting/hauling heavy cargo; An amount of something that has been taken. esp. illegally, The robbers haul was over thirty items. esp. ...
  • (hauling) To lift a boat from the water.