English language

How to pronounce half-witted in English?

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Synonyms backward, feebleminded, slow-witted

Examples of half-witted

In Russian history, he says, there's an old tradition of mad, half-witted saints.
From the guardian.co.uk
He also has a half-witted brother named Mac the Spoon, who is far from dangerous.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Abraham Lincoln was termed a half-witted usurper, a baboon, a gorilla and a ghoul.
From the time.com
Why should I give a monkey's whether Hannah and her half-witted ex get back together?
From the tv.uk.msn.com
I suppose that is a confession that you are just as half-witted as us.
From the guardian.co.uk
It is the most half-witted waste of time ever and my name is Dominic and I'm an addict.
From the eadt.co.uk
She would have been amazed at me writing this book because she thought I was completely half-witted.
From the guardian.co.uk
As if to reinforce my point made earlier about the half-witted approach to commenting on this site.
From the guardian.co.uk
At least half the fun was how the quick-witted Dawson played off his guests and deflected their flubs.
From the time.com