the fund earns halal profits in full compliance with the Shari'a.
Examples of halal
Being a Muslim-majority country, all McDonald's in Malaysia are certified halal.
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The Lebanese eatery is family owned and, according to Eldeek, 100 percent halal.
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He has lost weight by not eating so much halal meat and surviving on prison food.
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The European halal food market is expected to reach sales of $67 billion in 2010.
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To get around the problem, many German halal producers procure their meat abroad.
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Right now, Haque has to find a Muslim or halal-friendly butcher in another state.
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Kotha said he is working to add halal chicken as well, based on diner requests.
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The halal soups, designated with a special label, are available only in Canada.
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At Lazziz, all the foods are halal, which is important in the Muslim community.
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More examples
(Islam) meat from animals that have been slaughtered in the prescribed way according to the shariah
Proper or legitimate; "the fund earns halal profits in full compliance with the Shari'a"
Conforming to dietary laws; "halal meat"; "a halal kitchen"
Halu0101l (Arabic: u062Du0644u0627u0644u200Eu200E u1E25alu0101l, "permissible"), also spelled hallal or halaal, is any object or action which is permissible to use or engage in, according to Islamic law. The term covers and designates not only food and drink but also all matters of daily life...
Fit to eat according to Muslim religious practice
A set of Islamic dietary laws which regulate the preparation of food.
Lawful or permissible according to Islamic law, especially with regards to food and drink.
Something lawful or permitted in Islam.
A product is classified as Halal only if it carries an appropriate mark, symbol or declaration to that effect.