Fagan grabbed the tail end and they flopped it over the gunnel onto the deck.
From the toledoblade.com
The tips of the gunnels were pretty much gone, as was one whole side of the gunnel.
From the timesunion.com
Gunnel did sink one ship of 4000 tons during this patrol.
From the en.wikipedia.org
The 184cm fisherman said that he managed to wedge his knees under the gunnel of the boat and grip the edge with his right hand.
From the ntnews.com.au
To most people who own a boat, that sounds like a lot of work because of the small passageways and narrow stairs into the cabin and over the gunnel to the dock.
From the businessweek.com
More examples
Gunwale: wale at the top of the side of boat; topmost planking of a wooden vessel
Small eellike fishes common in shallow waters of the northern Atlantic
The gunnels are a family, Pholidae, of fishes in the order Perciformes.
The gunwale ("gunnel" to rhyme with "tunnel") is a nautical term describing the top edge of the side of a boat.
(Gunnels) Both outside and inside, top finished edges of a canoe. Also referred to as rails.
The upper edge of the side of a boat or ship, called so because it formerly supported guns.