English language

How to pronounce guardedly in English?

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Synonyms cautiously, conservatively

Examples of guardedly

Current fans often settle on a guardedly optimistic outlook for the team's future.
From the denverpost.com
Others speak guardedly, hinting of things they've never cared to talk about.
From the omaha.com
For some of us, September 11th now has to be celebrated much more guardedly.
From the denverpost.com
In fact, even Red China's normally boastful leaders guardedly admit serious trouble.
From the time.com
A risk that a prudent economist would treat guardedly and with skepticism.
From the forbes.com
The benediction of the title is as guardedly encouraging as this book gets.
From the nytimes.com
Even when it peaks, resentment of immigrants is milder here, and more guardedly expressed.
From the theatlantic.com
Thus, though the data are intriguing, they must be viewed very guardedly, researchers say.
From the latimes.com
After nearly two hours of brain surgery, he was given a guardedly optimistic prognosis.
From the time.com
More examples
  • Conservatively: in a conservative manner; "we estimated the number of demonstrators conservatively at 200,000."
  • In a guarded manner