English language

How to pronounce group action in English?

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Type Words
Type of human activity, act, deed, event, human action
Has types assembly, attendance, attending, battle, brainstorming, communalism, competition, compliance, confederation, conflict, contention, cooperation, coup, coup d'etat, dealing, dealings, decolonisation, decolonization, democratisation, democratization, desegregation, disbandment, disestablishment, due process, due process of law, engagement, ethnic cleansing, exchange, gathering, getting even, integrating, integration, interchange, internationalisation, internationalization, involution, involvement, legalisation, legalization, legitimation, military action, nationalisation, nationalization, non-engagement, non-involvement, nonattendance, nonparticipation, nonresistance, participation, paying back, procession, putsch, rally, resistance, return, revolution, rivalry, separation, social activity, social control, socialisation, socialization, stampede, struggle, submission, takeover, transaction, vote, action, alliance, assemblage

Examples of group action

group action
Tamsin Omond of direct action group Climate Rush remembers this is a heady time.
From the guardian.co.uk
If the group behaviour is coordinated, then it is called group action.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Global Muslim identity does not necessarily or even usually imply organised group action.
From the en.wikipedia.org
A subspace W of V that is invariant under the group action is called a subrepresentation.
From the en.wikipedia.org
The question of whether you could bring a group action is a tricky one.
From the thisismoney.co.uk
Global Muslim identity does not necessarily or even usually imply organised group action.
From the en.wikipedia.org
A morphism between G-sets is then a natural transformation between the group action functors.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Group action will not only have a much greater impact, but will also reduce your personal risk.
From the post-gazette.com
A raft of multinationals have brought a group action in Britain.
From the economist.com