English language

How to pronounce graphic symbol in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms character, graph, grapheme
Type of printed symbol, written symbol
Has types ascii character, asterisk, blank, capital, capital letter, check character, dagger, diesis, double dagger, double obelisk, ideogram, ideograph, inferior, letter, letter of the alphabet, ligature, lower-case letter, lowercase, majuscule, mathematical symbol, minuscule, obelisk, percent sign, percentage sign, phonetic symbol, pictograph, radical, rune, runic letter, small letter, space, star, stenograph, subscript, allograph, superscript, type, upper-case letter, uppercase, superior, alphabetic character

Examples of graphic symbol

graphic symbol
It has a visual representation consisting of the absence of a graphic symbol.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Finally, the simplicity of the paper clip has allowed it to become a graphic symbol on the digital desktop.
From the dailyherald.com
This article is about the type of graphic symbol.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Icon design is the process of designing a graphic symbol that represents some real, fantasy or abstract motive, entity or action.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Each party or coalition is identified by name, a graphic symbol, a number, and the name of the candidate at the top of its list.
From the time.com
A currency sign is a graphic symbol used as a shorthand for a currency's name, especially in reference to amounts of money.
From the en.wikipedia.org
British graphic designer Gerald Holtom, creator of the peace symbol.
From the washingtonpost.com
The symbol has received a contemporary graphic interpretation and is the emblem for the Vancouver Olympic games.
From the post-gazette.com
Such accounts are typically marked by graphic icons which make use of the brand symbol combined with distinct colors assigned to each account.
From the en.wikipedia.org