The Pepsi grant would help Meeker replace the gravel with wood chips and install a ramp for disabled children.
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Officials estimate that the total grant could be enough to replace as many as 210 uncertified wood stoves or fireplace inserts.
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Through a federal grant and loan from the Obama administration, Metrolina Greenhouses built four wood-boiler heating units to produce the energy needed to keep plants warm.
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With this art well covered, it could be very easy for Yorke to carve squirrels from blocks of wood, telling non-believers that the object will grant them all sorts of mystical powers.
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Grant suspects the handles of these fake make-up brushes are made using wood from the ramin tree, an endangered species found in Indonesia and Malaysia.
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The residential component has three rebate or grant programs, one for solar and wind-generated electricity, one for solar hot water and one for wood pellet boilers.
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Grant put the refugees under the protection of Chaplain John Eaton who authorized them to work on abandoned Confederate plantations harvesting cotton and cutting wood to fuel Union steamers.