Davidson hasn't been an attention-grabber on the field or in postgame box scores.
From the dailyherald.com
These words from that old, serial crotch-grabber herself, Madonna Louise Ciccone.
From the guardian.co.uk
They begin to suspect that the million-dollar lapel grabber and his wife can help.
From the time.com
They realize I'm what's called water cooler television and a ratings-grabber.
From the huffingtonpost.com
The modified subjects then used the grabber to pick up out-of-reach objects.
From the newscientist.com
The 14-foot Therizinosaurus centerpiece is an attention-grabber, but it's a replica.
From the fresnobee.com
More examples
An unpleasant person who grabs inconsiderately
A gravity gun is a concept in video games, particularly first-person shooters using an advanced physics engine, whereby players can directly manipulate objects in the world, often allowing them to be used as projectiles against hostile characters. ...
Conductor of a passenger train. (He grabs tickets)
Also known as a frame grabber, grabber describes hardware or software that is capable of taking a image frame from analog or digital video. Once the image is grabbed, the computer stores it as a graphic image.
A person who industriously scoops quantities of matchcovers or match books from the freebie table whether he or she can use them or not. (See Freebie Table).