Geezer has no permanent address, we Bridgeporters always know where to find him.
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It has slower and shorter trajectory, which is a good thing for the geezer set.
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I take it that this Ferguson geezer is demented, and his team never win anything.
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Why should the UK Guardian have an article by a Greenpeace geezer from Denmark?
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Okay, they are more of a geezer band now but still, take a pill for Gods sake.
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I guess I'm just tired of geezer rock stars who won't hang up their leather pants.
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Look at Lana Turner or, for that matter, Clark Gable, who was a geezer at 47.
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That leaves plenty of room for me and my buddies to slip by that geezer and his dog.
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You're a stuffy sort of geezer, so I suspect the latter is closer to true.
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More examples
A man who is (usually) old and/or eccentric
Geezer was a character in the comic strip The Beezer. he was illustrated by Trevor Metcalfe and Robert Nixon as well as sometimes by Jimmy Hansen in the annuals. The character was a lot like The Beano's very own Roger the Dodger as he was always trying to get money by making sneaky schemes.
A male person; An old person, usually a male; A device for boiling water for such domestic uses as heating or washing; a boiler. The normal spelling is water geyser
And thus also Geezerette. A person of the humanzilla persuasion, usually old. Not to be confused with Geezerville, an Intel technology, where lots of old Geezers and Geezerettes discuss the future of mobile computing.
A very common term for a man. There are many disproved origins of the word. Used respectfully and for a person of unknown name, i.e.. "some geezer" or to say that someone is a bit of a laddish rogue "he's a bit of a geezer". Also 'dodgy geezer' can be used to describe a man of bad character.
A term referring to a man. This could be used in a general sense or possibly hold connotations of a ?diamond geezer?. ...
N: An old person, especially an eccentric old man.