Evidently, competition is not only good for the goose, it's good for the gander.
From the post-gazette.com
So we take a gander at the full moon and its random shadows, and what do we see?
From the post-gazette.com
The Rose Festival is in November, but they're good for a gander all year round.
From the nzherald.co.nz
Then sneak over here and have a gander at the first official still from the film.
From the nzherald.co.nz
That is, until Norman got a gander at an artist's sketch of the proposed store.
From the time.com
Why not take a gander through your own post history and really knock yourself out.
From the guardian.co.uk
They have cried poverty but refused to let the players take a gander at the books.
From the time.com
Gander Mountain's Roanoke store is the retailer's fourth in the Commonwealth.
From the foxbusiness.com
Just get a gander from what passes as civic debate on talk radio and TV these days.
From the usatoday.com
More examples
Mature male goose
Gander was a Newfoundland dog posthumously awarded the Dickin Medal, the "animals' VC", in 2000 for his deeds in World War II, the first such award in over 50 years.
Gander is a provincial electoral district for the House of Assembly of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
Gander (born in 1996) is a thoroughbred race horse by Cormorant (Cormorant won eight of his twelve starts) out of Lovely Nurse (a hard-knocker who made one hundred and one starts) by Sawbones. ...
A male goose; A fool, simpleton; A glance, look; (intransitive) ramble, wander
(Ganders) Male geese. Interestingly, the female is known as a goose.
To look at. e.g. "give us a gander", used in a similar way to butchers.