English language

How to pronounce furlough in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms lay off
Type of terminate, can, give notice, give the axe, give the sack, sack, send away, dismiss, displace, fire, force out
Has types downsize
Type Words
Type of leave, leave of absence
Type Words
Type of countenance, allow, let, permit

The prisoner was furloughed for the weekend to visit her children.

Examples of furlough

Employees will take these days off as furlough days, amounting to a 10% pay cut.
From the freep.com
A furlough and uncertainty for 2010 was not the way he wanted to end his career.
From the dailyherald.com
That was a revision from a previously-disclosed plan to furlough 414 this month.
From the dailyherald.com
The furlough deal remains in place at Squaw Valley and at the Reno-Tahoe hotels.
From the latimes.com
The 60-day notices will be distributed before the start of a four-week furlough.
From the kansas.com
Also, throughout the summer, staff members will take furlough days every Friday.
From the ocregister.com
In the fall of 1944, Shanina was given a short furlough and visited Arkhangelsk.
From the en.wikipedia.org
In most cases, superintendents took the same number of furlough days as teachers.
From the sacbee.com
City officials say each furlough day saves about $1 million for the general fund.
From the denverpost.com
More examples
  • A temporary leave of absence from military duty
  • Dismiss, usually for economic reasons; "She was laid off together with hundreds of other workers when the company downsized"
  • Grant a leave to; "The prisoner was furloughed for the weekend to visit her children"
  • A leave of absence or vacation. (US) especially one granted to a member of the armed forces, or to a prisoner. (UK) especially one granted to a missionary; To grant a furlough to (someone)
  • The placement of an employee in a temporary non-pay status and non-duty status (or absence from duty) because of lack of work or funds, or for other non-disciplinary reasons.
  • The scheduled periods during which employees in partial-year career positions are not at work are designated as furloughs.
  • Permission to be absent from military duties granted to enlisted men.
  • Any leave granted to a soldier by his superior. A soldier on furlough left his arms and accoutrements behind. He carried furlough papers detailing his leave dates, assignment and return to duty date.
  • To allow a soldier to leave; a vacation.