English language

How to pronounce full-blooded in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms hearty, lusty, red-blooded
Type Words
Synonyms blooded, full-blood

full-blooded Native American.

Examples of full-blooded

Today many full-blooded Osages are frozen out of oil profits and tribal affairs.
From the time.com
The margin of victory was a surprise and this is usually a full-blooded fixture.
From the guardian.co.uk
Alaskans generally recognize the Russian occupation left no full-blooded Aleuts.
From the en.wikipedia.org
In 1862 only 101 survived and the last known full-blooded Moriori died in 1933.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Those categories were not created to solely included people whom are full blooded.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Dear Ishaan Tharoor, I dare you say that to a full blooded American, face to face.
From the ideas.time.com
Lou White Eagle, a full-blooded Cheyenne, lives on a reservation in Oklahoma.
From the courier-journal.com
People do not, in any event, seem to be thirsting for full-blooded democracy.
From the economist.com
Once he had that wild-eyed love of trouble, the more full-blooded the better.
From the guardian.co.uk