In the upper portion of the nose, the paired nasal bones attach to the frontal bone.
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The dating is pretty solid, and places this frontal bone at between 88 and 132 thousand years ago.
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The front skull is characterised by its sinuses, fusion of the frontal bone and post-orbital constriction.
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The coronal suture is the fibrous joint that unites the frontal bone with the two parietal bones of the skull.
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Maxilla is yellow bone in center, frontal bone is light blue bone at top, and lacrimal bone is barely visible pink bone at center.
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The different fragments of this lemur's skull are separated by thousands of miles, with the partial skull in Vienna and the pieces of frontal bone in the United States.
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The prefrontal bone is a bone separating the lacrimal and frontal bones in many tetrapod skulls.
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The lacrimal bone was not in contact with the frontal anymore, having been separated from it by the prefrontal bone.
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Comstock, then a member of the Army National Guard, recovered after two-thirds of his frontal lobe was removed and a metal plate took the place of bone in his head.