English language

How to pronounce free rein in English?

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Synonyms play
Type of freedom

he gave free rein to his impulses.

Examples of free rein

free rein
If I'm honest I worry that Johnno has given the players too much of a free rein.
From the mirror.co.uk
On August 24th he declared a state of alert, giving them a free rein to operate.
From the economist.com
Leterrier found she had free rein on deciding what the young Chanel should wear.
From the independent.co.uk
At home, the country will thrive if entrepreneurial spirits are given free rein.
From the economist.com
The company takes other steps to give employees free rein while mitigating risk.
From the businessweek.com
So he halted the Soviet offensive and gave the Germans free rein to suppress it.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Perhaps this is why Richard was given remarkably free rein to find his own way.
From the online.wsj.com
They are given free rein there and going after them will actually get you banned.
From the guardian.co.uk
You want to give free rein to your feelings and yet, you're doing this privately.
From the suntimes.com