English language

How to pronounce fountain grass in English?

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Synonyms pennisetum ruppelii, pennisetum setaceum
Type of grass

Examples of fountain grass

fountain grass
Purple fountain grass is planted with cannas to add texture and fill in the gaps.
From the denverpost.com
This fountain grass grows 3 feet tall and blooms from June through early fall.
From the kansas.com
The fountain grass in the foreground of the photo is non-native and invasive.
From the latimes.com
At the south end will be two planting beds of miscanthus and fountain grass.
From the cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com
Ornamental grasses like fountain grass are low maintenance, says Furfaro.
From the dailyherald.com
Fountain grass can be purchased in containers and grown in them, or transferred into the soil.
From the ocregister.com
For example, place purple fountain grass in the middle for height.
From the chron.com
In addition to the flowers mentioned above, try it also with purple fountain grass for a showy display.
From the post-gazette.com
Highly popular purple fountain grass has soft, fuzzy plumes of burgundy-rose that age to buff, fuzzy.
From the chron.com