The forestage, or proscenium, reproduces the old one which was rebuilt in 1909.
From the
Boxes, with small rooms attached, are in the forestage, in the platea and in the some of the galleries.
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Inva Mula, the heroine, hurls her torments at the audience, most of the time kneeling on the forestage, her arms spread wide.
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The theater contains an orchestra pit for up to 35 musicians that is convertible to a forestage or additional seating space.
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The eight circular paintings in the roof, and the three in the forestage, were all lost in the fire and have been re-created by contemporary artist Perejaume.
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More examples
Proscenium: the part of a modern theater stage between the curtain and the orchestra (i.e., in front of the curtain)
That part of the stage which projects from the proscenium into the auditorium. See Apron.