English language

How to pronounce flying colors in English?

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Synonyms flying colours
Type of success

they passed inspection with flying colors.

Examples of flying colors

flying colors
Elly passes the group test with flying colors, but a calamitous accident occurs.
From the post-gazette.com
Game 3 was the first real playoff test-and the Heat passed with flying colors.
From the theepochtimes.com
Wall Street is not expecting the 19 banks being tested to pass with flying colors.
From the cnn.com
She had huge shoes to fill as prosecutor, and she came through with flying colors.
From the freep.com
I do love my sweets, and this cookie passed the taste test with flying colors.
From the courier-journal.com
You may not know it yet, but you just passed a major test with flying colors.
From the sfgate.com
And of course, the Duo passed the prerequisite Fruit Ninja test with flying colors.
From the techcrunch.com
The outcome came down to the last race, where Fremd came through with flying colors.
From the dailyherald.com
Kohl said he came through with flying colors and will start rehab next week.
From the newsday.com