English language

How to pronounce flow rate in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms flow, rate of flow
Type of rate
Has types cardiac output

Examples of flow rate

flow rate
The flow rate team, assembled in May, tried to come up with a more solid figure.
From the washingtonpost.com
We take the current free cash flow and grow it at a rate of only 2%-3% per year.
From the forbes.com
Perhaps you should look into getting submersible pumps with a higher flow rate.
From the dailyherald.com
Much of the worst-case-scenario talk has centered on the flow rate of the well.
From the washingtonpost.com
The team will produce a report on the flow rate tomorrow, BP said in a statement.
From the bloomberg.com
Clasts of this size are carried as bedload and only at times of high flow-rate.
From the en.wikipedia.org
He said BP had said that the flow rate was not relevant to the cleanup effort.
From the kentucky.com
The best-quality faucets use discs to control the water-flow rate and temperature.
From the dispatch.com
Environmental groups contend, however, that the flow rate is a vital question.
From the denverpost.com