English language

How to pronounce feigning in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms dissembling, pretence, pretense
Type of misrepresentation, deceit, deception
Has types stalking-horse, bluff, hypocrisy, lip service, pretext
Derivation feign
Type Words
Synonyms pretence, pretending, pretense, simulation
Type of dissimulation, dissembling, deceit, deception
Has types mannerism, masquerade, affectedness, pose, pretend, charade, appearance, affectation, show, make-believe
Derivation feign

Examples of feigning

Reed also choked her, Pursley said, but she survived by feigning unconsciousness.
From the dallasnews.com
To further encourage them, he restrained his men, feigning a reluctance to fight.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Aspects of the cognitive ethology of an injury-feigning bird, the piping plovers.
From the en.wikipedia.org
The companies are feigning surprise, but to many, the lawsuits were long overdue.
From the time.com
Gingrich's loyalists are feigning indifference in public while fuming in private.
From the time.com
Feigning that he knew what he was doing and our friend hired him for the job.
From the gothamgal.com
I began to take more breaks, feigning thirst or the need to take off a layer.
From the telegraph.co.uk
Particularly the day after feigning outrage over the Diane Abbott Twitter faux pas.
From the guardian.co.uk
After a short engagement, feigning defeat, Goguryeo troops retreated into the city.
From the en.wikipedia.org
More examples
  • Make believe with the intent to deceive; "He feigned that he was ill"; "He shammed a headache"
  • Simulate: make a pretence of; "She assumed indifference, even though she was seething with anger"; "he feigned sleep"
  • Not genuine; "feigned sympathy"
  • (feigning) pretense: pretending with intention to deceive
  • Deception, beguilement, deceit, bluff, mystification, and subterfuge are acts to propagate beliefs that are not true, or not the whole truth (as in half-truths or omission). Deception can involve dissimulation, propaganda, sleight of hand. It can employ distraction, camouflage or concealment. ...
  • To represent by a false appearance of; to pretend; to counterfeit; To give a mental existence to something that is not real or actual; to imagine; to invent; to pretend; to form and relate as if true; To dissemble; to conceal
  • (FEIGNED) issue, pract. An issue brought by consent of the parties, or the direction of a court of equity, or such courts as possess equitable powers, to determine before a jury some disputed matter of fact, which the court has not the power or is unwilling to decide. 3 Bl. Com. 452; Bouv. Inst. ...
  • Fingir; simular; inventar; aparentar; disimular
  • (v) - to pretend, act, deceive