John White bought and rebuilt an 1840s log cabin for his farmstead near Batavia.
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The Bauernhof area was built as a replica of a 19th-century Bavarian farmstead.
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The Romans had no military use for the area, building a small villa or farmstead.
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Many abandoned cemeteries are the remnants of family farmstead burial grounds.
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In later times, the venerable building degenerated into an ordinary farmstead.
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He acquired the unusual piece when he bought an 1870s farmstead 40 years ago.
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The farmstead, zoned single family, has been the Ewertz family farmstead since 1917.
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The tornado crossed the Arkansas River and hit the Fisher farmstead south of Burrton.
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The Dorset Ridge Guest House, nine miles west of Tomah, is on a farmstead.
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More examples
The buildings and adjacent grounds of a farm
A homestead is either a single building, or collection of buildings grouped together on a large agricultural holding - such as a ranch, station or a large agricultural operation of some other designation.
(Farmsteads) A farm is an area of land, including various structures, devoted primarily to the practice of producing and managing food (produce, grains, or livestock), fibres and, increasingly, fuel. It is the basic production facility in food production. ...
(Farmsteads) buildings, lanes, driveways, and surrounding lots. The poor, fair,and good buttons have no effect on these values.
(Farmsteads) farm roads, and lanes plus other miscellaneous farmland are included in special uses.
^1: The milk is processed at the farm and uses only the milk produced on the farm.
Describes cheese made solely from milk produced on the same farm.