English language

How to pronounce eurythmy in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms eurhythmics, eurhythmy, eurythmics
Type of diversion, motility, motion, move, movement, recreation

Examples of eurythmy

Eurythmy is often performed with spoken texts such as poetry, stories or plays.
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Starting in 1912, the art of eurythmy was developed by Rudolf Steiner.
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Eurythmy has only occasionally been done to popular music, in which beat plays a large role.
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Eurythmy seeks to renew the spiritual foundations of dance, revealing speech and music in visible movement.
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Speech eurythmy includes such elements as the sounds of speech, rhythms, poetic meters, grammar and mood.
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Eurythmy, the art of articulating movement originated by Marie von Sivers and Rudolf Steiner in the early 20th century.
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This first eurythmy ensemble went on tour in 1919, performing across Switzerland, the Netherlands and Germany.
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Eurythmy is an expressive movement art originated by Rudolf Steiner in conjunction with Marie von Sivers in the early 20th century.
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Eurythmy ensembles in Stuttgart, Germany and at the Goetheanum soon became established parts of the cultural life of Europe.
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More examples
  • The interpretation in harmonious bodily movements of the rhythm of musical compositions; used to teach musical understanding
  • Waldorf educationnBiodynamic agriculturenAnthroposophical medicine
  • The harmony of features and proportion in architecture; Graceful body movements to rhythm of spoken words
  • Eurythmy derives the Greek eu (meaning good) and rhuthmos (meaning proportion or rhythm). According to Vitruvius 'good rhythm' is one of the aims of design.
  • A form of movement defined and promoted by Rudolf Steiner, a former Theosophist (a follower of the channeled messages from "Ascended Masters," especially the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul, spirit guide to Alice Bailey), and the founder of the Waldorf Schools.