English language

How to pronounce esotropia in English?

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Synonyms convergent strabismus, cross-eye, crossed eye
Type of squint, strabismus

Examples of esotropia

Accommodative esotropia is often seen in patients with moderate amounts of hyperopia.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Before surgery, infants with esotropia had delays in both milestones.
From the sciencedaily.com
In contrast, infants tested after esotropia surgery had no delays in developmental milestones.
From the sciencedaily.com
Incomitant esotropias are conditions in which the esotropia varies in size with direction of gaze.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Many people have esotropia and they are born with this.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Congenital esotropia, or infantile esotropia, is a specific sub-type of primary concomitant esotropia.
From the en.wikipedia.org
It is a constant esotropia of large and consistent size with onset between birth and six months of age.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Most children who develop an esotropia, or crossed eye or wandering eye during childhood, are neurologically normal.
From the abcnews.go.com
However, it has been unclear whether surgery to correct esotropia influences other aspects of infant development.
From the sciencedaily.com
More examples
  • Cross-eye: strabismus in which one or both eyes turn inward toward the nose
  • Esotropia is a form of strabismus, or "squint", in which one or both eyes turns inward. The condition can be constantly present, or occur intermittently, and can give the affected individual a "cross-eyed" appearance. ...
  • Position of the eyes in an over-converged position so that non-fixating eye is turned inward. One eye looks straight; one looks inward.
  • (ee-soh-TROH-pee-uh), cross-eyes. Eye misalignment in which one eye deviates inward (toward nose) while the other fixates normally.
  • Inward turning of the eyes; crossed eyes. Usually one eye looks straight ahead and the other turns inward. ...
  • An eye with strabismus that deviates inward
  • Inward deviation of the eyeball or deviation of the eyeball toward the nose.
  • This is the condition of crossed eyes. Typically one eye looks directly ahead and the other turns inward. Esotropia can be congenital, infantile, accommodative, or partially accommodative. Misaligned eyes should be corrected as soon as possible.
  • Abnormal turning inward of one eye.