An exception was the epithalamium, a genre of poetry that celebrated a wedding.
From the
If Shikasta was an admonition, its successor is an epithalamium.
From the
He also uses some standard types of rhetorical composition as noted by Menander Rhetor such as epithalamium, propempticon, and genethliacon.
From the
More examples
An ode honoring a bride and bridegroom
An epithalamium (/u02CCu025Bpu1D7Bu03B8u0259u02C8leu026Amiu0259m/; Latin form of Greek u1F10u03C0u03B9u03B8u03B1u03BBu03ACu03BCu03B9u03BFu03BD epithalamion from u1F10u03C0u03AF epi "upon," and u03B8u03ACu03BBu03B1u03BCu03BFu03C2 thalamos nuptial chamber) is a poem written specifically for the bride on the way to her marital chamber...
The Latin term for an epithalamion. See above.
A poem celebrating a wedding. No particular form required.