English language

How to pronounce enthusiast in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms fancier
Type of admirer, adorer
Has types bird fancier, technophile, maniac, animal fancier
Type Words
Synonyms partisan, partizan
Type of supporter, champion, booster, protagonist, friend, admirer
Has types addict, backslapper, balletomane, junkie, junky, nut, rooter, shutterbug, sports fan, fan, fanatic, fiend, freak, gadgeteer

Examples of enthusiast

Mr. DePalma loved Pitt football and was a sports enthusiast throughout his life.
From the post-gazette.com
Bauer, an exercise enthusiast, bounded hatless along the sidewalk shaking hands.
From the thestate.com
Being such a sports enthusiast, it was just a way that I could stay in the game.
From the tennessean.com
For now, this TiVo enthusiast will be sticking with the stand-alone set-top box.
From the usatoday.com
It was a magical time, one any hockey enthusiast would want to experience again.
From the buffalonews.com
Columbia resident and motorcycle enthusiast David Kinder, 56, is an Independent.
From the thestate.com
Frances McInnis is a journalist and crossword enthusiast based in New York City.
From the cnn.com
Peter Bourassa runs MMRsite.com, a classic car enthusiast forum and marketplace.
From the boston.com
A longtime ocean enthusiast, Cameron has other underwater projects in the works.
From the post-gazette.com
More examples
  • An ardent and enthusiastic supporter of some person or activity
  • Fancier: a person having a strong liking for something
  • Enthusiasm originally meant or possession by a divine afflatus or by the presence of a god. Johnson's Dictionary, the first comprehensive dictionary of the English language, defines enthusiasm as "a vain belief of private revelation; a vain confidence of divine favour or communication. ...
  • Image:Enneagram.svg|Enneagram figure (click the numbers for type profiles)|thumb|300px
  • (The Enthusiasts) The Enthusiasts are a Canadian garage rock band from Winnipeg, Manitoba, active from 1963 to 1972. considered one of the most influential underground Canadian Rock groups of the 20th Century, the bands style paved the way for the first waves of Canadian Punk Rock and Art Rock. ...
  • A person filled with or guided by enthusiasm; A person exhibiting over-zealous religious fervour
  • Someone who is very keen about something, such as a hobby or sport