A truly great boss will engender loyalty before any of those other factors will.
From the courier-journal.com
To engender trust, Zimride uses Facebook to show friends or interests in common.
From the techcrunch.com
Observers wondered, rightly, why genocide would engender such a tepid reaction.
From the newsweek.com
They don't teach coping strategies and they don't in general engender wellness.
From the cnn.com
This is a process to protect school employees, not to engender public confidence.
From the chron.com
They engender great emotion and great debate, and in each, the law looms large.
From the time.com
The lyrics failed to engender much enthusiasm among ordinary Spaniards either.
From the time.com
He uses unique ingredients and cooking styles that engender culinary authenticity.
From the ocregister.com
Dramatic forerunners engender sequels that are self-explanatory, most of the time.
From the theatlantic.com
More examples
Call forth
Beget: make children; "Abraham begot Isaac"; "Men often father children but don't recognize them"
To beget (of a man); to bear or conceive (of a woman). [14th-19th c.]; To give existence to, to produce (living creatures). [from 14th c.]; To bring into existence (a situation, quality, result etc.); to give rise to, cause, create. [from 14th c.]; To copulate, to have sex. [15th-19th c.]
(v) - to create, to produce, to cause
To cause to exist, develop, procreate, beget (also a good word to use)