What are other psychological reasons for encopresis?
From the ocregister.com
Gut dysmotility, ileus, intussusception, hypoganglionosis, encopresis in children and intestinal pseudo-obstruction have been associated with porphyrias.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Because elimination disorders often have some kind of physiological foundation, mental health practitioners should partner with a pediatrician when assessing and managing enuresis and encopresis.
From the sciencedaily.com
More examples
Involuntary defecation not attributable to physical defects or illness
Encopresis (from the Ancient Greek u1F10u03B3u03BAu03CCu03C0u03C1u03B7u03C3u03B9u03C2 / egku00F3pru0113sis), also known as paradoxical diarrhea, is voluntary or involuntary fecal soiling in children who have usually already been toilet trained. Persons with encopresis often leak stool into their undergarments.
Accidental passage of a bowel movement.
A child over the age of four having bowel movements in inappropriate places.
Repeated evacuation of feces into clothes or inappropriate receptacles.
The passage of normal stools in socially unacceptable places