English language

How to pronounce enclosure in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms inclosure
Type of document, written document, papers
Derivation enclose
Type Words
Synonyms enclosing, envelopment, inclosure
Type of introduction, intromission, insertion
Has types packing, boxing, encasement, incasement
Derivation enclose
Type Words
Synonyms natural enclosure
Type of space
Has types cavern, matrix
Derivation enclose
Type Words
Type of area
Has types cargo hold, catchall, chamber, compound, coop, dock, dog pound, echo chamber, hold, yard, cage, cargo area, cargo deck, niche, pen, pit, playpen, plenum, pound, recess, storage area, vivarium, lock, lock chamber, nacelle
Derivation enclose

Examples of enclosure

Looming above is a huge three-storey enclosure that Koko can access via a hatch.
From the telegraph.co.uk
Zimov also has had problems with the moose that he brought inside his enclosure.
From the thenewstribune.com
It says the enclosure in Nuremberg is needed for future breeding of polar bears.
From the stltoday.com
Soon after Novak described all this to me, he and I walked around the enclosure.
From the theatlantic.com
The seven red kangaroos will live in a grassy enclosure that visitors can enter.
From the al.com
He will be placed in a remote, quiet enclosure while he adjusts to his new home.
From the newsobserver.com
The enclosure acts as weather protection over the working part of the structure.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Most loudspeaker systems consist of drivers mounted in an enclosure, or cabinet.
From the en.wikipedia.org
In 1970, a cobra slithered out of its enclosure setting off a 40-day snake hunt.
From the stltoday.com
More examples
  • A structure consisting of an area that has been enclosed for some purpose
  • The act of enclosing something inside something else
  • A naturally enclosed space
  • Something (usually a supporting document) that is enclosed in an envelope with a covering letter
  • Enclosure or inclosure is the process which was used to end some traditional rights, such as mowing meadows for hay, or grazing livestock on land which is owned by another person, or a group of people. ...
  • In archaeology, an enclosure is one of the most common types of archaeological site. It is any area of land separated from surrounding land by earthworks, walls or fencing. Such a simple feature is found all over the world and during almost all archaeological periods. ...
  • An electrical enclosure is a cabinet for electrical or electronic equipment to mount switches, knobs and displays and to prevent electrical shock to equipment users and protect the contents from the environment. ...
  • The Enclosure (1961) is a novel by Susan Hill. Hill wrote the novel when she was 15-years old.
  • (Enclosures) All cards that are included with an invitation: Response or RSVP card, Direction card, Reception card, At-home card etc. They are usually much smaller than the invitation.