English language

How to pronounce emir in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms ameer, amir, emeer
Type of ruler, swayer

Examples of emir

Qatar's ruling emir holds near absolute power in the small Persian Gulf country.
From the dailyherald.com
The emir goes to Roncevaux where the Franks are mourning and burying their dead.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Kuwait's emir dissolved parliament amid a crisis over allegations of corruption.
From the economist.com
Shuja Shah was proclaimed emir and Kabul fell on 6 August 1839, without a fight.
From the en.wikipedia.org
In 987, Maymun, emir of Derbent, asked the Rus'to help him against local chiefs.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Emir Hamad said earlier that it was urgent to hold the summit and to take action.
From the voanews.com
The first was when his cousin, the emir, promoted him to prime minister of Qatar.
From the bloomberg.com
Barrak's speech had broken taboos in Kuwait about publicly chastising the emir.
From the nytimes.com
When it threatens to, the emir dissolves parliament or the government resigns.
From the economist.com
More examples
  • An independent ruler or chieftain (especially in Africa or Arabia)
  • Emir (/u0259u02C8mu026Au0259r, eu026Au02C8mu026Au0259r, u02C8eu026Amu026Au0259r/; Arabic: u0623u0645u064Au0631u200Eu200E u02BEAmu012Br ), sometimes transliterated (olowan, Datu in Meranau common version) Amir, Amier, or Ameer, is an aristocratic or noble title of high office used in a variety of places in the Arab countries and Afghanistan. It means "commander", "general", or "prince". The feminine form is Emira (u0623u0645u064Au0631u0629 u02BEAmu012Brah)...
  • Emir is the fourth album by Cem Adrian. It was released on December 26, 2008 by 003 Records.
  • A prince, commander or other leader or ruler in an Islamic nation
  • (also spelt Amir) - the ruler of Qatar, currently the moderate and modernising Sheik Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani.
  • Military commander or chieftain in a Saracen army.
  • Also Amir. Leader or commander. Amir-ul Momineen means "commander of the faithful." In the 10^th century, the amirs were Turkish army officers who seized power in Iraq, Iran, and central Asia. Emir can also be used as the Arabic equivalent of "prince."
  • Arabic title (amir) for a military commander, governor or ruler.
  • One of the commanding officer who sacked Albania together with Aladdin during the ongoing campaign of Florante and Menandro in Crotone. He nearly slay Laura for it's refusal to love him but was defeated.