It didn't seem like my brain moved from its depressed state to its ecstatic one.
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Peak experience is a kind of transpersonal and ecstatic state, particularly one tinged with themes of euphoria, harmonization and interconnectedness.
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Yet by interspersing these thoughts and feelings with times when we are fully engaged in the ecstatic state of flow, we can begin to shift the pattern.
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During deep meditation, they experienced the ecstatic state of mind, which can only be experienced in the spiritual realm, detached from the material universe.
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He draws comparison to other cultures who venerate the source of the ecstatic state such as the Chavin in Meso-America who venerate the cactus as the source of peyote.
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When a storm arose, the mighty serpent king Mucalinda rose up from his place beneath the earth and enveloped the Buddha in seven coils for seven days, not to break his ecstatic state.
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At first the case was the same for Croatia, as the people were ecstatic to have a state of their own.
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He cites the Pythia sitting in a cauldron on a tripod, while making her prophecies in an ecstatic trance state, like shamans, and her unintelligible utterings.
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He cites her sitting in a cauldron on a tripod, while making her prophecies, her being in an ecstatic trance state, similar to shamans, and her utterings, unintelligible.