Haynie told CNN that a key part of the EBV is to instill belief in the veterans.
From the cnn.com
Earlier work had suggested that EBV might promote the development of autoimmunity.
From the sciencedaily.com
Among 35 to 40 year olds in the U.S., up to 95% have been infected with EBV.
From the scienceblogs.com
This finding implicates EBV as a contributory cause to multiple sclerosis.
From the sciencedaily.com
Most patients with an active EBV infection begin to feel better in a couple of months.
From the abcnews.go.com
After early childhood, however, EBV infection can result in infectious mononucleosis.
From the nature.com
Infants become susceptible to EBV as soon as maternal antibody protection disappears.
From the en.wikipedia.org
The TRU EBV tests detect antibodies that classify acute and chronic stages of the disease.
From the news.enquirer.com
That would apply in particular to viruses of the herpes group, of which EBV is a member.
From the newscientist.com
More examples
Epstein-Barr virus: the herpes virus that causes infectious mononucleosis; associated with specific cancers in Africa and China
This is the alternative name for the electronic distribution of the brake force system. See EBD.
Emergency Brake Valve. The correct terminology for the pull-cord at each end of a subway car, as well as in each cab, that will activate the train's emergency brakes.
Originally a Human lymphotropic herpes virus that is now used in the immortalisation of B lymphoblast cells