There was an earth tremor in Podgorica yesterday morning before the team arrived.
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On one occasion, following an earth tremor, large amounts of methane entered the mine.
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Set pieces occasionally swayed as if reacting to a localized earth tremor.
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In an earth tremor in the 1950s, parts of the frescoes came off, revealing more underneath.
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According to the latest earth tremor in New Testament studies, the present scholarly consensus is wrong.
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A huge burst of energy like that from an earth tremor causes the shaken particles to overcome those repellent forces, to crash against others and to form large and stable clumps.
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Because the neck of the 66-ft-high statue has been badly eroded by centuries of exposure to the elements, even a moderate earth tremor could send the entire 965-ton head rolling off.
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The announcement struck like an earth tremor, disrupting the status quo in the West Bank and scrambling the assumptions that have underlain talk of an Arab-Israeli peace settlement.
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As she spoke, another smaller tremor shook the earth.