the group joined together in a dramatic production.
Examples of dramatic production
dramatic production
Our snow behavior is a serious dramatic production for native Puget Sound lowlanders.
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Broadway plays went dark in deference to nature's more dramatic production.
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A dramatic production increase beginning at age 30 that included nine consecutive seasons with 100 or more RBI.
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The average million that goes into a major musical and the $500,000 or so that is put up for a dramatic production are lost if the show fails.
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There's an emphasis on glitz, skin and dramatic production here, not wearable undergarment trends for typical Victoria's Secret shoppers.
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EmmaLee Stewart, a 16-year-old junior cast in a dramatic production directed by Klitgaard, said she cried after hearing the allegations against Klitgaard last year.
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Most of the time he is working by the light of at least one moon, directing an opera, salvaging somebody else's stalled dramatic production, setting up a repertory group.
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Republicans rallied around President Bush's call for a dramatic boost in production.
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The show is far more dramatic in production than any of its competitors.