English language

How to pronounce draining board in English?

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Synonyms drainboard
Type of board

Examples of draining board

draining board
Not turning round, she scoured a saucepan she had left on the draining-board to steep.
From the guardian.co.uk
Outside is a sink and a rustic wooden draining board.
From the express.co.uk
I've already boiled the jar for a little over a minute to sterilise it, and it's been cooling on the draining board.
From the telegraph.co.uk
She repositioned the draining board, moved the drying towels, and scraped her plates more thoroughly before washing.
From the economist.com
As we say in Wales, it's back to the draining board.
From the independent.co.uk
The chimpanzee, Mizuki, sat on a wooden draining board covered with an electromagnetic shielding sheet on a concrete platform.
From the nature.com
Once the roots have had a good soaking, lift the pot out and let it stand on the draining board for around half an hour before putting it back.
From the expressandstar.com
The following morning, she found the jug and its mysterious contents that I had forgotten to dispose of and had accidentally left on the draining board.
From the guardian.co.uk
Add any liquid that remains on the cutting board to the reserved tomato liquid from draining.
From the charlotteobserver.com