English language

How to pronounce drafting board in English?

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Synonyms drawing board
Type of board

Examples of drafting board

drafting board
Working against the deadline, Boeing engineers went back to the drafting board.
From the time.com
There's even a glimpse of young Tim Burton, chained to a drafting board.
From the denverpost.com
He dabbled in airplanes, and with Howard Hughes conceived the idea of a ten-engine cargo plane that never got off the drafting board.
From the time.com
Typically the drafting board surface is a thick sheet of compressed fiberboard with sheets of formica laminated to all its surfaces.
From the en.wikipedia.org
The drafting board surface is usually secured to the frame by screws which can easily be removed for drafting table transportation.
From the en.wikipedia.org
The steel frame allows mechanical linkages to be installed that control both the height and angle of the drafting board surface.
From the en.wikipedia.org
The new logic board was designed by one designer on a huge drafting board, rather than a costly CAD-CAM system used for the previous board, and it worked.
From the en.wikipedia.org
When Egyptian political cartoonist Amr Okasha sits at the drafting board, his drawing hand is fresh from brandishing larger objects to defend himself and his home.
From the washingtonpost.com
He also designed the steel fuselage Lawson Armored Battler, that never got beyond the drafting board given doubts within the Army aviation community and the signing of the armistice.
From the en.wikipedia.org