As you might suspect, it's a great, baggy, idiosyncratic doorstopper of a book.
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All wrapped up neatly in the end like the converging plot lines in a Dickens doorstopper.
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So a lot of what an anthology represents, doorstopper though it might be, is all the stuff that's not there.
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The result is a doorstopper book that has sold more than a million copies, and a piece of alchemic magic on screen.
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Not, previously, a Simmons fan, I'm still not quite sure why I started such a doorstopper, but I know I couldn't put it down.
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Based on more than 500 hours of interviews with more than 200 people, this is a doorstopper account of the crisis, told from the point of view of the Wall Street protagonists.
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That doorstopper of a rulebook is not about enhancing education or enforcing clean competition, it's about enforcing competitive balance and profit-sharing.
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Going back to the idea of the doorstopper, however, I'd vote for longer selections, especially for a discrete summer's reading, books one might stop and linger over while sipping a cool drink.
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Surely the great thing about Dickens is precisely the way he leads you through a 800-page doorstopper, making you smile, laugh and cry along the way, without you ever realizing you've read 800 pages?
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More examples
Doorstop: a stop that keeps open doors from moving