Now I stop at river crossings, don the jandals, and casually stroll across to check the depth before driving over in the truck, one eye out for crocs and the other for potholes.
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Don Bush, DNR biologist in Janesville, said the lake and river have fairly good populations of naturally-reproducing walleye.
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Thumm said Frisina would don a wetsuit and dive for oysters in reaches of the river that are too shallow for DEC boats to patrol.
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Don beads and a mask and saunter on down to the river for the Old Sacramento Mardi Gras celebration with live music, laughs, food and drinks.
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The river seems to slow a little and the temperature plummets as quickly as I can don the layers of extra clothing.
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Don Weston of UC Berkeley said after every storm he samples the creeks and the river itself for urban pesticides as he carries out to jugs of water at Discovery park.
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Don Blackmore, the commission's chief executive, says it pumps 1,100 tonnes of salt out of the river each day, and is about to spend A$67m to increase that by 700 tonnes a day.