English language

How to pronounce dog bent in English?

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Synonyms agrostis canina, brown bent, rhode island bent, velvet bent, velvet bent grass
Type of bent, bent-grass, bent grass

Examples of dog bent

dog bent
Here was a dog tag bent out of shape by the blast, there a shred of a letter or birthday card from home.
From the time.com
In no time at all, the book was dog-eared, crusty, bent back, spine cracked and totally disgusting.
From the npr.org
The dog plopped his droopy jaw onto the crook of Berger's bent elbow.
From the delawareonline.com
Tom Sheehey bent down to try to pick up the dog, which had a broken leg, and the dog bit him.
From the thequad.blogs.nytimes.com
Throughout the church, people bent forward to whisper a word to the dog by their side, or to re-settle into their carriers a cat or a rabbit.
From the denverpost.com
Do a push-up, with knees bent, then shift the weight back into the legs, as if going into a downward-facing dog yoga pose.
From the latimes.com
Abbate was the first witness at the civil trial, testifying he was bent on drowning his sorrows on the day of the beating because he had just learned his dog was dying from cancer.
From the dailyherald.com
Our dog-eat-dog world has arrived at a state in which guns are unnecessary for robbery, you just need a business suit, a well-ordered contract and some bent civil servants.
From the guardian.co.uk