This was a work that was, by turns, serious, sensuous, beguiling and discordant.
From the
In head-to-head comparisons of these assays, discordant results are very common.
From the
But they add a discordant bass-note to the raucous but shallow gang-show antics.
From the
They were so angry about the lack of harmony and discordant notes, they rioted.
From the
The discordant note came from a liberal shower of pungent grated Asiago cheese.
From the
From the riverbank they hear a very loud cry, followed by a discordant clamour.
From the
Such are the discordant effects of big government that apparently can't be tamed.
From the
Or not weighing in on a family discussion where mine is the only discordant voice.
From the
In fact, the inquiry had struck a discordant note in Anglo-American relations.
From the
More examples
Not in agreement or harmony; "views discordant with present-day ideas"
Lacking in harmony
(discordantly) in a discordant manner; "the piece ended discordantly"
(discordance) a harsh mixture of sounds
Not in harmony or accord; harsh or dissonant sounding; serodiscordant; of a differing type of rock cutting across a formation
(discordance) A state of discord; Lack of harmony; dissonance; The presence of a specific genetic trait in only one of a set of clones (or identical twins)
(Discordance) Difference. Generally used when referring to a difference in size between the babies.
(Discordance) A measure of the conflict between design requirements and physical reality in a problem. We note that some discordances only become apparent at the end of the design cycle. ...
(Discordance) The opposite of concordance. Inheritance of only one of two alleles or traits associated with a particular parental chromosome.