English language

How to pronounce dine out in English?

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Synonyms eat out
Type of eat

Examples of dine out

dine out
They meet often and dine well in private, with time out for photo opportunities.
From the time.com
Many people wrongly think that they can't dine out if they have celiac disease.
From the suntimes.com
Also, more families are opting to dine out rather than preparing a feast at home.
From the sacbee.com
Try the casual Pizzeria Delfina next door, and dine out on the bustling sidewalk.
From the sacbee.com
Sure, you could dine out on the stories but it's not exactly a fun place to be.
From the metro.co.uk
Those who get caught in up with such things dine out for reasons other than mine.
From the eatocracy.cnn.com
I love to shop, dine out with friends at local establishments and meet new people.
From the democratandchronicle.com
Hard times the order of the day Even in hard times, people still like to dine out.
From the news-journalonline.com
He and his wife dine out less often, and they don't entertain at home much either.
From the businessweek.com