English language

How to pronounce difficulty in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms difficultness
Type of quality
Has types onerousness, ruggedness, severeness, severity, niceness, inconvenience, heaviness, hardship, hardness, oppressiveness, toughness, asperity, grimness, troublesomeness, formidability, effortfulness, worriment, burdensomeness, subtlety, rigor, rigorousness, rigour, rigourousness

they agreed about the difficulty of the climb.
Type Words
Synonyms trouble
Type of travail, effort, elbow grease, exertion, sweat
Has types the devil, tsuris

had difficulty walking.
finished the test only with great difficulty.
Type Words
Type of status, condition
Has types jam, job, kettle of fish, fix, mess, mire, muddle, situation, rough sledding, rattrap, pickle, pinch, urinary hesitancy, quandary, plight, problem, hard time, stress, strain, wall, hole, predicament, bitch
Type Words
Type of cognitive factor
Has types snorter, problem, booby trap, wrinkle, check, deterrent, balk, baulk, facer, trouble, handicap, hinderance, hindrance, impediment, killer, kink, pisser, pitfall

Examples of difficulty

Difficulty is moderate as it meanders through a 484-acre oak and hickory forest.
From the desmoinesregister.com
She said she was just concerned other people might have had difficulty, as well.
From the timesunion.com
She will raise her difficulty level, and she will be in the running for the top.
From the sportsillustrated.cnn.com
Companies also report greater difficulty in finding workers with certain skills.
From the businessweek.com
Teammate and regional champion Raheem Mostert had difficulty in the 300 hurdles.
From the news-journalonline.com
You will have great difficulty ever getting them to pay six months of back rent.
From the dailyherald.com
Usually difficulty is just another word for friction, and friction creates heat.
From the time.com
The prevalent wind that adds to Orchard Creek's difficulty was virtually absent.
From the timesunion.com
A bit of difficulty and unpredictability on The X Factor may not be a bad thing.
From the tunedin.blogs.time.com
More examples
  • Trouble: an effort that is inconvenient; "I went to a lot of trouble"; "he won without any trouble"; "had difficulty walking"; "finished the test only with great difficulty"
  • A factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result; "serious difficulties were encountered in obtaining a pure reagent"
  • A condition or state of affairs almost beyond one's ability to deal with and requiring great effort to bear or overcome; "grappling with financial difficulties"
  • The quality of being difficult; "they agreed about the difficulty of the climb"
  • (difficult) not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure; "a difficult task"; "nesting places on the cliffs are difficult of access"; "difficult times"; "why is it so hard for you to keep a secret?"
  • (difficult) unmanageable: hard to control; "a difficult child", "an unmanageable situation"
  • The state of being difficult, or hard to do; An obstacle that hinders achievement of a goal
  • (difficult) hard, not easy, requiring much effort; hard to manage, uncooperative, troublesome; eg. said of a person, a horse, etc
  • (Difficult) Grade that is easier than Severe, but in fact is very easy