an extremely dicey future on a brave new world of liquid nitrogen, tar, and smog.
Examples of dicey
What makes the situation a little dicey is Harper continues to play efficiently.
From the
It's an interesting idea but it has the potential to make things a little dicey.
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Good thing he's at a casino for this, because it's dicey how it could turn out.
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It's a very dicey situation where compromise will have to be met with guarantees.
From the
When things get dicey, though, parents can guide their children safely back home.
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The speech was uninspiring, reflecting a reluctant warrior, and the policy dicey.
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Heavy discounting is a dicey strategy, sapping profits and exhausting shoppers.
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When conversations are dicey, being face-to-face leaves less to interpretation.
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But our history with the country makes it a dicey thing, diplomatically-speaking.
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More examples
Chancy: of uncertain outcome; especially fraught with risk; "an extremely dicey future on a brave new world of liquid nitrogen, tar, and smog"- New Yorker
Dicey is a surname, and may refer to:
Fraught with danger; of uncertain, risky outcome; nauseating