English language

How to pronounce department of labor in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms dol, labor, labor department
Type of executive department

Examples of department of labor

department of labor
The labor department had never inspected the plant in its 11 years of operation.
From the newsobserver.com
The US department of labor regularly lists outlooks for future job markets.
From the jsonline.com
The DEPARTMENT OF LABOR is considering a policy change in the way government helps the jobless.
From the time.com
The department of labor is investigating both incidents.
From the newsobserver.com
Check with your state department of labor to get the lowdown.
From the sfgate.com
Last week the New York State department of labor said it had slapped Kamali with a record $10,000 fine for illegally employing workers to cut and sew garments for her at home.
From the time.com
In Georgia, officials of the state department of labor estimated that unemployment there had jumped from 9% for the month of January to 11% or 12% by last week.
From the time.com
The department ought to expand its use of volunteer labor and apprentices.
From the ocregister.com
Just one year later, he became head of the labor organization department.
From the businessweek.com