If it's known how many rhino there are, is it possible to dehorn the young rhino to make attacking them worthless?
From the guardian.co.uk
Physicists have tried to dehorn that myth, noting that particle collisions happen naturally all the time and the planet is still here.
From the abcnews.go.com
The estate tries to dehorn all its rhino and employs rangers to patrol its 6500ha grounds and alert local police if they see anything suspicious.
From the nzherald.co.nz
More examples
Prevent the growth of horns of certain animals
Take the horns off (an animal)
(DEHORNED) Demoted or discharged
(Dehorning) The process of removing the horns from an animal when they are young. This is often done to help minimize injury to other cattle and handlers.
(Dehorning) The removal of grown horns from older animals by cutting
Denatured alcohol or bootleg whiskey of inferior quality; anything that makes a worker depart from prope class-conscious activity.