If you don't meet the criteria for a deferment, you may qualify for forbearance.
From the boston.com
With private loans, it's up to the lender to decide whether to grant deferment.
From the orlandosentinel.com
And Romney received an academic studies deferment for much of the next two years.
From the kansas.com
He also had a deferment, based on the importance of his job at Crucible Steel.
From the post-gazette.com
This is now being changed to an optional deferment payback like the Stafford loan.
From the ocregister.com
In retrospect, this deferment of the inevitable seems by turns tender and useless.
From the online.wsj.com
Kilmer recently amended legislation that paved the way for the loan deferment.
From the thenewstribune.com
I have already exhausted the maximum 36 months of economic hardship deferment.
From the suntimes.com
They're asking the Department of Homeland Security to grant her a deferment.
From the freep.com
More examples
Postponement: act of putting off to a future time
An act or instance of deferring or putting off; Officially sanctioned postponement of compulsory military service
Occurs when a borrower is allowed to postpone repaying the loan. If you have a subsidized loan, the federal government pays the interest charges during the deferment period. If you have an unsubsidized loan, you are responsible for the interest that accrues during the deferment period. ...
A period of time during repayment in which the borrower, upon meeting certain conditions, is not required to make payments of loan principal.
Graduating high school students who receive PROMISE may defer his/her scholarship for up to two years and may not enroll in any other post-secondary institution during their deferment. ...
An authorized period of time during which a borrower may postpone principal and interest payments.
The temporary postponement of loan payments for a limited period of time. Deferments, allowed for specific borrower activities, extend the loan repayment period by the length of the deferment period.
A postponement of up to three years in repaying a loan approved by your lender.
Official permission to delay the commencement of a tertiary course.